Planning, Development control, Transport and infrastructure
The Unit is responsible for technical services offered by the Kitui Municipality including planning, development control and infrastructure development.
- Processing and approving applications for development permission including building plans, change of user and subdivision
- Preparation and implementation of various spatial development plans to guide physical development and provide a framework for development control
- Preparation and implementation of infrastructure development plans including designs and Bills of Quantities for project implementation
- Offering technical advice/services to other county and national departments within the county including NEMA
- Liasing and coordinating with National Government Agencies and Ministries involved in managing of land and land resources such as National departments of Physical Planning, Survey, Lands and Mining
- Developing and implementing plans and strategies for an efficient transport system including long term transport master plans and infrastructure development plans
- Liasing and coordinating with National Government Agencies including KURA, KMP, and KISIP in implementing national government funded projects in Kitui County Headquarters